Original artist impression concept drawing....
Starting off as a complex Retirement Living concept, Urbanlife evolved into an intelligent reality…..
Our clients undertook the purchase of a historical school site from the local Greek Orthodox Community, and worked in unison with their Vendor, and our dedicated finance team, to achieve the establishment of mutual infrastructure such as roads, a Greek Language School, Education Centre, Early Learning Centre, and Community Centre next to the famed Greek Orthodox Church.
Objective number one was to settle the land acquisition which involved the financing of significant construction infrastructure capital works to a third party independent builder nominated by the Vendor, while consisting of no vacant possession to title, and no available in ground services.
Our finance team undertook the following fundamental program:
- Infrastructure cost assessments
- Construction cost assessments
- Prepared detailed financial modelling including project feasibility study and cash flow program
- Creation of separate state-of-the-art professional presentations for finance, investment and equity, and understanding of the operational model.
- Data mining and research was sourced extensively and comprehensively from numerous accredited and credible sources
- Collaboration with industry experts within the asset class was undertaken at length
- Delivery program to achieve vacant possession
- Managed and coordinated communication between all stakeholders including the Vendor (Greek Orthodox Community), funder & financiers (plural), Purchaser, independent builder, solicitors for all parties, and equity option holders
- Identify, negotiate and secure senior debt funders
- Identify, negotiate and secure secondary debt funders
- Identify, negotiate and secure tertiary debt funders
- Participate in the tertiary funding through subsidiary company, Lighthouse Equity
- Settled Land acquisition
- 1Objectibe achieved!
Objective number two was to obtain significant planning and development permits on the subject site, and obtain and secure flexible and economical construction funding without inhibiting conditions.
in this regard, we undertook the following important functions:
- Work with Town Planners, Consultants and Council as well as the developer to manage a commercial design outcome, and carefully coordinate the timing schedule of submissions, meetings, and necessary exchanges
- Manage and issue payments to professional consultants
- Assist in tender management including liaising with different top tier construction companies with offices in both NSW and VIC
- Provide insight and or advice on commercial agreements between stakeholders and interested parties (including construction companies) pertaining to works and application of the permitted design strategy
- Provide comprehensive financial and mathematical modelling
- Identify and liaise with specialist sworn valuers with expertise relevant to this asset class, with good repute, acceptable to and on the panel of suitable funders
- Liaise with appropriate funders about the requirements of the capital stack most appropriate to the Sponsor
- Assist in the identification of appropriate preferential equity capital avenues and sources
- Identify, negotiate and secure senior debt funders for construction funding
- Identify, negotiate and secure secondary debt funders for construction funding
- Identify, negotiate and secure tertiary debt funders for construction funding
- Secure funding offers tabled for Sponsor.
- 27. Objective achieved!
Sponsor & Senior Hellenic Community Member after the Greek Orthodox Community blessed the new buildings
Project Sponsor standing next to Vendor Senior Community Head celebrating the opening of the newly constructed Greek Community Centre, Altona North, Victoria.
Lighthouse Corporation (Capital) was pleased to deliver critical milestones.